

Installing Oracle in WAMP environment

Installing Oracle in WAMP environment Download Oracle Express Edition (Free download) from the link. Download Oracle SQL Developer which is a free download too from the link below: If you dont have any experience working with Oracle SQL Developer, you can read this article Install wamp server 2.5 enable php_oci8.dll extension in php modules You...


Server Monitoring Commands

Disk Stats Disk Usage detials df -h LSOF means list of open files. This command watches total open files on server. A very good article for further reading http://www.catonmat.net/blog/unix-utilities-lsof/ watch --interval=1 --differences "lsof | wc -l" Disk IO Stats iotop sar disk io stats sar -s 15:00:00 -e 17:00:00 shows the disk I/O stats watch --interval=1 iostat http://www.tecmint.com/how-to-check-disk-space-in-linux/ General Monitoring Find Out...


Install and configure Memcache

Memcache is a system that works to speed up virtual private servers by caching server information. The program allows you to allocate a specific amount of the server ram toward caching recently queried data for a certain amount of time. Once the data is requested again, memcache speeds up...


Install IonCube Encoder

This is the guide to install ioncube on ubuntu server. Create a temp directory or moving into one already created cd /tmp/ Get 32 bit ioncube to download. You can decide which type of OS is installed on your server. wget http://downloads.ioncube.com/loader_downloads/ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gz You can get 64 bit ioncube to download. wget http://downloads.ioncube.com/loader_downloads/ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz Now unzip the download...


How do sites prevent vanity URLs from colliding with future features?

It's easy to check if a vanity URL collides with a current feature, but hard to predict everything you would like to build in the future. Here is a list of some reserve keywords which can collide with the future features you would be implementing. about account activate add admin administrator api app apple apps archive archives auth better blog cache cancel careers cart changelog checkout codereview compare config configuration connect contact create delete direct_messages documentation download downloads edit email employment enterprise facebook faq favorites feed feedback feeds fleet fleets follow followers following friend friends gist github google group help groups home jobs hosting hosting url hostmaster idea ideas imulus index info invitations invite is it login logout job json language languages lists logs mail map maps mine mis news oauth oauth_clients offers openid order orders organizations plans popular post postmaster privacy projects put recruitment register remove replies root rss sales signup save search security sessions settings shop sitemap ssl ssladmin ssladministrator sslwebmaster stacks status stories styleguide subscribe subscriptions support supportdetails support-details sysadmin sysadministrator terms tour translations trends twitter unfollow unsubscribe url user twittr widget widgets wiki update xfn weather xmpp webmaster ww www wwww xml yaml yml


How to bulk update mysql quries

This is a very short and handy mysql query to update all records. There was a small sql injection in my database and i replaced the specific code from the "tag" and updated all the records. UPDATE tags SET keywords = REPLACE( keywords, " , ABC.com", ""  ) There was another issue...


PHP image resizing with fixed height and width

This function will resize images via php gd library. <? function Image($image, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $padding = 0, $r = 255, $g = 255, $b = 255 ) {     $image = ImageCreateFromString(file_get_contents($image));     if (is_resource($image) === true)     {         $x = 0;         $y = 0;                 $width = imagesx($image);         $height =...